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Developing a Social Media Content Calendar

Developing A Social Media Content Calendar

An effective social media content calendar is very significant in this days and era of digital marketing for the tourism business. Running a social media content calendar is key in your planning and organizing how your relevant message reaches your target audience.

In this article, we show how to create your own plan and how important to run one as a tourism business.

How to create a social media content calendar.

1. Identify your social networks.

This will include all your social media handles that you would make active with relevant content for example Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube among others. We recommend that you subscribe to a few that you can feed and manage with good content targeting the right audience.

2. Establish forms of content fit for your target market.

One of the most important things is to know what forms of content or information fit your market. Ensure that you share relevant content that is directed to meet the needs and demands of your market for example special offers, procedural information on your gorilla trekking tours, statistical content about the gorilla populations and other wildlife, travel advisory, destination feature, video content, etc.

3. Timing.

Plan the days right and make sure each day has the right content, for instance, schedule a day for a conservation story, a day to feature news about your company.

How important is a social media content calendar?

1. Save your precious time

Stay alert on what you post, you will always be guided with the best category of information to share. Do not just post anyhow, you must be consistent and be able to manage your target audience right.

2. Consistent Posting.

Keeping consistency in your workflow and posting will not increase your audience and followers. This is the only way to grow your organic SEO healthily.

3. Generate high-quality content and cover great moments.

Having a great media content calendar will help you not to miss out on great events and moments that would be of great importance to your audience.

Grow your social media audience and brand by crafting a content calendar that will make you relevant all the time and grow your sales revenue as a business. We train staff in digital marketing practices and product knowledge.

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