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At E&J Tourism Consultants, revamping your website is our core specialty and we do this with high-tech professionalism with relevant knowledge in the industry of website development and tourism while concentrating so much on the recent trends and sophisticated developments.

Website Revamping is a key element for tour companies over a period of time. A call for new professional looks is a great way to boost your conversions, improve the visitor experience, and attract more customers to your tour/safari website. At E&J Tourism Consultants, we advise you not to take this lightly as it may impact your online visibility negatively if you are not careful and be mindful that you are redressing your tour website

A number of tasks come with revamping your tour website: –

  1. Giving your tour website a new theme: This largely focuses on the looks and the functionalities of your tour website, focuses and takes time on selecting a much more user-friendly theme, and takes time to ask yourself  How many clicks does it take me to get from the home page to the product you’re looking for?
  2. Keeping your brand: As you get set to redress or revamp your safari/tour website you need not diverge or differ from your current brand. Make sure visitors in to your safari website can still recognize your tour website, it is so important to maintain the same typography, color palette, and imagery
  3. Consider SEO: We have talked about Search Engine Optimization in our online episodes and certain as a tour operator you now know SEO. This is key while revamping your safari website, keeping your internal links, go through main categories and subcategories including subdomains. This will maintain your online visibility presence in the search engines
  4. Quality Content: Quality content writing is considered to be the KING, ensure that while undertaking your tour website revamp, and replace junk content pages with quality content. Do research especially on subjects that user search about to find your website and tour products, take enough time to write quality content, and avoid duplication of content. Be mindful of informative content, statistical content, procedural content, and technical content
  5. Consider Flexibility: While revamping your tour/safari website make sure it’s designed in such a way that you can update it easily within the existing wireframe. Put it to your mind that any time you will need to add a different type of content or launch a new safari product.

At E&J Tourism Consultants we go beyond what has been explained above while given the honor to revamp, redress or redevelop your safari/tour website. With our team of talented young professionals, we render all our projects enough time and maximize the strength of your previous safari website and carry them into the NEW (Revamp site) keeping all your URLs solid. We offer staff training to your staff and equip them with skills to manage and maintain your safari website after the redevelopment is completed

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