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Marketing Ideas Post COVID-19

Marketing Ideas Post COVID-19

Marketing ideas post COVID-19 that tour and travel business can grip on when the dark clouds have gone. While much remains uncertain, we believe that the deeply human desire to learn and explore means tourism and travel will endure.

For all of us in the tourism industry in Uganda, the last few months have been a brutal test of courage, resourcefulness, endurance and overall business survival. Our experts share herein with you marketing ideas post-COVID-19 to overcome this crisis.

1. Launch Early Bird Offers.

We believe travelers are looking forward to traveling in the years to come 2021/2022. It is therefore great to craft sample itineraries with relevant prices and ensure you share them with your agents and potential clients using your email database. Such packages will fuel travelers to book trips far in advance confident enough when the health situation the world over has improved.

2. Launch Destination Sales Presentation.

We can only overcome this crisis by strong innovation and creativity, putting together all destination experiences, attractions, lodging, and hotel facilities with the destination, accessibility information from one attraction to the other, and description of National parks like Bwindi Forest National Park, wildlife reserves & Cities or towns and other travel information including travel tips, travel regulations, packing list and other recommendations for visitors visiting a destination. It will be so good to you share this destination sales presentation with your email database that will ignite travel emotions.

3. Launch a strong Email Marketing Strategy Campaign.

Communicate regularly with your agents and clients through a newsletter campaign. Create inspirational and relevant content about your destination. Many of your customers would like to receive regular updates and updates about the destination. This could include new guidelines for the reopening of tourism in Uganda and the region. Safety and healthy guidelines are put in place to see tourism starts again as we progress in the NEW normal. You can as well share conservation stories, pledging commitment and support to your partners and community.

4. Reinvent the idea of Trade show Participation.

Trade shows participation is a great platform to tap directly into the markets. The majority of shows have been postponed to next year, grip on them and show your presence to meet industry players majority of which are buyers. Position yourself adequately to tap business and be ready to start dealing with international agents. This is the only proven marketing ideas post Covid-19 when all this is gone and the tourism industry in the world is ready to meet again for business dealings.

5. Reinforce Social media activities and Search Engine advertisements .

Social media is now perceived as very significant, especially in the digital age. Use social media to amplify your message to your market target. Share relevant content across your social media handles including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc this will hype your product visibility and create new market size.

6. Also do online Ads, which include Google Ads, and Facebook ads, to popularize your product and ensure effective reach to your target market. Ads generate high leads and the Return on Investment (ROI) is certainly guaranteed.

We know we cannot solve all the issues we are all facing but we want to try to give you tips as our business partners on what Post Covid-19 marketing ideas that you can grip on to help your tour business emerge out of this crisis strong and together.

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